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Static Dissipative Hoses (SDH)

Static Dissipative Hoses (SDH)

With a wide array of applications producing static, it is an obvious choice to choose a static dissipative hose that can handle the task. Constructed of a specially formulated thermoplastic polyurethane, all of our selections meet the Electronics Industry Association Standard 541 for static dissipative classification.

Top 10 Reasons Why RFH is Superior to Neoprene/Fabric Ducting

Top 10 Reasons Why RFH is Superior to Neoprene/Fabric Ducting

1. Wider Temperature Range
RFH can handle higher temperature than 2-ply neoprene/fabric ducting. RFH is rated from -60 to 275 F continuous, intermittent to 300 degrees. RFH Plus to 325 degrees.

Increased Production for Covid-19

We are sending our thoughts and prayers to everybody affected by Covid-19.

We are sending our thoughts and prayers to everybody affected by Covid-19.

We will be increasing production and capacity to help fight this pandemic. Our team is prepared to handle unexpected turns and we are here to provide you with hosing you need to transport clean air to people who need it most.

Reach out today so that we can help you make a difference.

Benefits of the Super Vac-U-Flex

The Super Vac-U-Flex was designed to offer maximum flexibility and strength while providing an aesthetically appealing and unique construction.
Super Vac-U-Flex

The Super Vac-U-Flex was designed to offer maximum flexibility and strength while providing an aesthetically appealing and unique construction. The hose consists of a coated wire helix with a single ply cover.

Department of Defense Symposium

Hi-Tech Duravent will be presenting at the Department of Defense Symposium in Spokane, Washington on December 9th-12th.
DOD Symposium

Hi-Tech Duravent will be presenting at the Department of Defense Symposium in Spokane, Washington on December 9th-12th.

Hi-Tech Duravent Website Redesign

Hi-Tech Duravent has re-designed our website to make it easier to find, easier to use, and provide an overall more streamlined user experience.

Hi-Tech Duravent has re-designed our website to make it easier to find, easier to use, and provide an overall more streamlined user experience. This is more than just a face-lift, as we’ve beefed up the guts as well. In addition to enhanced product pages featuring part numbers and similar products and accessories, we’ve also simplified the filtering options on the product search, making products easier to find.

New Product: WPE for Rental and Facilities Service

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce the launch of its new WPE hose for Insulation Removal, Duct Cleaning, and Dehumidification applications.
Photo of WPE

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce the launch of its new WPE hose for Insulation Removal, Duct Cleaning, and Dehumidification applications.

New Product: IBH for Insulation Blowing

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce the launch of its new IBH hose for Insulation Blowing applications.
Photo of WPE

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce the launch of its new IBH hose for Insulation Blowing applications.

New West-Coast Warehouse

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce a new stocking location in Phoenix, AZ to better service their customers in the western United States.

Hi-Tech Duravent is pleased to announce a new stocking location in Phoenix, AZ to better service their customers in the western United States. The warehouse will initially be stocked with the most common sizes of their popular hose and ducting products, including Super Vac-U-Flex, RFH, 2PN, Flex-Flyte L-9, and UFD. We are also willing to add new SKUs based on your needs, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Trade Show Line-up 2016

Come visit Hi-Tech Duravent at one of these trade shows this year, we’d love to have you stop by!
  • IDCO – Atlanta, GA, February 19, 2016
  • RAGCO – Nashville, TN, April 15, 2016
  • NAHAD – Colorado Springs, CO, April 30-May 4, 2016
  • IWF (International Woodworking Fair) – Atlanta, GA, August 22-25, 2016
